The father of the sexual revolution in America, Dr. The term ‘groomer,’ in fact, is a perfect fit for most of the sexual revolution’s architects, who had every intention of championing a world where adults could copulate with minors and even children. But it is easy to forget that when the sexual revolution began and the Overton Window started to move away from Judeo-Christian values at warp speed, the idea that pedophilia might be normalized was very possible. Pedophiles garner less sympathy than murderers, and reports of their deeds incur instant public wrath. The term ‘groomer’ is a particularly potent clapback because it is now generally agreed upon that sexual abuse of children is the very worst of crimes. It is a clever derivative of the comeback “Ok, boomer,” and both Sullivan and Murray felt it to be a slur. In a conversation with Andrew Sullivan, the liberal columnist perhaps most responsible for mainstreaming the idea of same-sex marriage in the United States, the two men discussed their discomfort with the term ‘groomer.’ As progressives and parents face off over sexual indoctrination in public schools (and elsewhere), many conservatives have been using the pithy response “Ok, groomer” to those who insist that children should learn such things. More than a half-century after the sexual revolution rocked the West to its very foundations, pelvic politics are again at the centre of cultural discourse.Ĭonservative writer Douglas Murray’s recent (and brilliant) book The War on the West covers many aspects of this multi-front war, but he is reticent to comment on much of the battle over sex education. Sex education is one of the primary battlegrounds, with American public schools facing a parental backlash over LGBT clubs, instruction in gender ideology, and drag shows for children in the UK, Muslim immigrants have faced off with progressive educators over LGBT education being taught to their sons and daughters and a sudden surge of children identifying as transgender has caused a fierce debate from Finland to France.
Many of the architects of the sexual revolution made their case for the abuse of children openly, and they were embraced by the elites, lionized by the press, and heralded as courageous thinkers.Īcross the West, a war is underway for the minds of the upcoming generation. The aim of the progressive Left and its 'intellectuals' has always been the normalisation and legalisation of paedophilia as Mr Van Maren points out.